Part One: Signs You Are NOT Eating Enough Protein

Welcome to our Protein Series! 

Are you worried you’re not getting enough protein in your diet?

Although a major protein deficiency is rare, if you’re hitting the gym regularly, dieting, or subbing in more plant-based foods, your protein intake could be too low. 

Below are signs that you may need to add more protein into your healthy diet.

- Feeling tired, weak, or sluggish

- Unexplained mood changes, like depression or aggressiveness 

- Hungry all the time, and often craving sweets

- Catching a lot of colds, and sicknesses that linger 

- Brittle or thinning hair, dry and flaky skin, and deep ridges on your fingernails

- Swelling in your abdomen, legs, feet, and hands 

- Slow-healing injuries like cuts, scrapes, and sprains

- Prone to bone fractures

Although many of these symptoms can indicate other problems, including more healthy, protein-rich foods every day may be your first step to feeling better!  

Next time… 

Part Two: HOW Much Protein Should You Be Eating? 

Part Three: WHAT are the Best Sources of Protein?

Part Four: HOW to Eat Enough Protein on a Plant-Based Diet?